What happens after signing a contract? faq-items

What happens after signing a contract?

5/22/20241 min read

man writing on paper signing a contract
man writing on paper signing a contract

What happens after signing a contract?

From the date the sellers sign the contract the contract starts. This means all the dates for clauses begin and you must ensure you meet your obligations before 5pm on the due date.

Make sure you diarise the important dates under the contract and know what is required of you prior to each of the standard clauses and special conditions. You must contact us on the due date (if not before) and give us clear instructions on what you want to do.

Prior to that you must ensure your bank and the inspector can provide you with the necessary information so you can instruct us to act on your behalf. If we do not hear from you (and cannot contact you) on a due date the seller may terminate the contract or you may lose important rights under the contract depending on how certain clauses are drafted.

In summary, diarise the dates and work towards them, then contact us on the due dates. Find out more in our blog post Signed a Contract on a House? 4 Key Next Steps for Buyers.